Organisations Environmental Policy
- The management of Flooring Solutions Ltd. recognises its obligations to its owners, employees, suppliers, customers, users, society and the environment.
- Allocates to responsibilities that include environmental issues.
- Educates and trains it’s employees in environmental matters, as appropriate.
- Makes the most effective use of all natural resources for the benefit of the organisation and the overall public interest.
- Progressively reduces the amount of waste, avoids harmful pollution and makes serious efforts to find ways of reprocessing or converting waste materials into useful products.
- Reduces environmentally related risks.
- Markets products, services and processes which create the minimum environmental damage and can be used safely.
- Are willing to exercise influence and skill for the benefit of the community within which the organisation operates.
- Ensures that all public communications are true and unambiguous, with full disclosure of environmental, health and safety issues.
- Respects the interests and adheres to its customers Environmental policies.
Managing Director.
Flooring Solutions Ltd.